dear dreamer,

Have you ever doubted a dream that is inside of you? You know, that dream in your gut that you know you are called to do, but sometimes doubt and fear creeps in. Dreamer was birthed from this place; a place where I felt the hope of my dream dwindling day by day. This EP takes you through my process of doubt, bitterness, and questions, to the turning point where hope slowly returned and belief was restored. 

I can’t help but be anything other than a dreamer. Every time I step away into something different, I’m drawn right back into music, and I just know it’s what I was created to do. As hard as it is and as difficult as it’s been and as crazy as I feel for still believing, I still do.

My hope is that these songs awaken dreams and inspire people to continue to believe that anything is possible; that this music inspires, brings people together, and leads them closer to the truth. I truly believe, at the core of who I am, that we were all created to be dreamers.

For once in my life, I just wanna be right.



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“believe” is a song written about a simple truth that I was struggling to “believe”. So often I let my circumstances build me up or tear me down. In the hard seasons I find myself struggling to believe it will ever get better. When I sat down with my co-writer for “believe” Josh Zegan, he asked me how I was doing, and I was honest with him. I told him that I was confused, hurt, and hopeless. 

We talked through the scripture Mark 9:23 - “all things are possible to those who believe.” And he said, “what if it’s really that simple.” 

I came to the place that it really is that simple, and we wrote “believe” to remind ourselves that the best is truly yet to come, all we have to do is believe. 

what if

“what if” is the third single off of my upcoming ep “dreamer.” Dev and I wrote it during a time where we were questioning and doubting everything. Sometimes as believers we feel so afraid to bring our doubts into the light because we feel like it might negate our faith… but something powerful happened when we were finally just honest with God about what we were feeling… He showed up. Right in the middle of our questions, our disappointment, and our doubts. There He was. He didn’t show up with an answer to all of our problems in that moment, but He showed up with His Peace and that was enough. 

My perspective is constantly smaller than His. I see only a sliver of the picture and He sees the whole thing. Over the last year He has graciously reshaped, realigned, and restored the purpose of my life and IT FEELS SO GOOD. A lot of it was me getting out of my own way and being okay not making sense of every twist and turn. I choose to trust He is in control and working all things for my good. 

God isn’t scared of your “what if” but He also doesn’t want you to stay there. I pray this song gives you space to be vulnerable and allows God’s voice to be louder than your “what if”.

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done with this

"done with this" was written by Devon and I during a season where we felt like doors kept slamming in our faces. Last year there were all these opportunities that presented themselves out of nowhere, and we would get so excited that they would lead us to bigger and better things. Only to be disappointed yet again and they turned out to be either locked doors that were never meant for us, or doors that would slam in our face after we made every effort to crack them open. Nevertheless, it was a season that left us feeling, well, done with this.

i just wanna be right

“i just wanna be right” is the culmination of a series of events that led me the closest I’ve ever been to giving up. I moved to Nashville in 2012, so sure this is where I was meant to be. I felt called here with a purpose, a vision, and a grand dream. Around the time I wrote this song, I had just celebrated my seven-year anniversary of living in Nashville and giving my blood, sweat, and tears to chasing the dream. I was reminiscing on my journey and how many twists and turns there have been. I’ve had some of my greatest moments here and I’ve had some of my worst, and year seven was a lot of the latter. On this particular day, I was getting home from a really disappointing meeting of yet another thing I was hoping would work out. I was defeated, tired, and doubtful. I sat down at my piano, and this song just flowed out of me. I love that it’s quirky and communal, while also being vulnerable and real. It’s basically a song of me recognizing how much I’ve given to this and praying to God that I’m right.